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CAN Interface Sigi
Item no. p> To gain / frequency division of the forehand border tachometer signal.
In some vehicles, the existing speed signal is too weak or the pulse train /
rate (trucks / U.S. vehicles) is too high. P>
CAN Interface Sigi
Item no. p> To gain / frequency division of the forehand border tachometer signal.
In some vehicles, the existing speed signal is too weak or the pulse train /
rate (trucks / U.S. vehicles) is too high. P>
acv GmbH
Straßburger Allee 10-12
41812 Erkelenz
Deutschland Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)2431 – 96 45 0
E-Mail: [email protected]
Thomas Landmesser / acv GmbH
Straßburger Allee 10-12
41812 Erkelenz
Deutschland Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)2431 – 96 45 0
E-Mail: [email protected]
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